
提供:MTG Wiki

移動: 案内, 検索
(Archenemy: Nicol Bolas)
61行: 61行:
*[[Behold My Grandeur]]
*[[Behold My Grandeur]]
*[[Bow to My Command]]
*[[Bow to My Command]]
*[[Choose Your Demise]]
*[[Delight in the Hunt]]
*[[Delight in the Hunt]]
*[[Every Dream a Nightmare]]
*[[Every Dream a Nightmare]]
68行: 67行:
*[[Make Yourself Useful]]
*[[Make Yourself Useful]]
*[[My Forces Are Innumerable]]
*[[My Forces Are Innumerable]]
*[[My Laughter Echoes]]
*[[No One Will Hear Your Cries]]
*[[No One Will Hear Your Cries]]
*[[Pay Tribute to Me]]
*[[Pay Tribute to Me]]
*[[Power Without Equal]]
*[[The Mighty Will Fall]]
*[[The Mighty Will Fall]]
*[[There Is No Refuge]]
*[[There Is No Refuge]]
*[[This World Belongs to Me]]
*[[This World Belongs to Me]]
*[[What's Yours Is Now Mine]]
*[[What's Yours Is Now Mine]]
*[[When Will You Learn?]]
*[[いつになったら貴様は学ぶのだ?/When Will You Learn?]]
*[[平等なき力/Power Without Equal]]
*[[自ら終焉を選べ/Choose Your Demise]]
*[[我が笑い声がこだまする/My Laughter Echoes]]
*[[暗黒の翅が破滅をもたらす/Dark Wings Bring Your Downfall]]
*[[いつになったら貴様は学ぶのだ?/When Will You Learn?]]
*[[貴様共の勇者を選べ/Choose Your Champion]]
*[[貴様に情けなど無用だ/You Are Unworthy of Mercy]]
*[[貴様の悪夢は実に美味い/Your Nightmares Are Delicious]]
*[[貴様の過ちこそ我が勝利/Your Mistake Is My Triumph]]
*[[貴様の終焉の前兆/A Premonition of Your Demise]]
*[[貴様の顔が己を嘲っている/Your Own Face Mocks You]]
*[[貴様の計画など無価値に等しい/Your Plans Mean Nothing]]
*[[貴様は屑らしく腐り果てよ/Rot Like the Scum You Are]]
*[[貴様は真の苦しみを知る/You Will Know True Suffering]]
*[[貴様は楽しませるだけの存在/You Exist Only to Amuse]]
*[[苦痛は我が賞味しよう/I Will Savor Your Agony]]
*[[現実は我が支配下に/Reality Is Mine to Control]]
*[[事の次第は我のみぞ知る/Only I Know What Awaits]]
*[[混沌は我が玩具/Chaos Is My Plaything]]
*[[数世紀に渡る陰謀/Plots That Span Centuries]]
*[[時は我が意志に従う/Time Bends to My Will]]
*[[逃げても無駄だ/Running Is Useless]]
*[[破壊の力をとくと見よ/Behold the Power of Destruction]]
*[[平等なき力/Power Without Equal]]
*[[自ら終焉を選べ/Choose Your Demise]]
*[[我が意志には抗えまい/My Will Is Irresistible]]
*[[我が威信を恐れよ/Fear My Authority]]
*[[我が軍勢を前に跪け/Kneel Before My Legions]]
*[[我が戦士こそ至高/My Champion Stands Supreme]]
*[[我が痛烈なる奥義/My Crushing Masterstroke]]
*[[我が蔓は奥深くにまで至る/My Tendrils Run Deep]]
*[[我が富が貴様を生き埋めにする/My Wealth Will Bury You]]
*[[我が翅はすべてを包む/My Wings Enfold All]]
*[[我から隠れられはしない/You Cannot Hide from Me]]
*[[我が笑い声がこだまする/My Laughter Echoes]]
*[[我が望むから生きているにすぎない/You Live Only Because I Will It]]
*[[我こそがダスクモーン/I Am Duskmourn]]
*[[我こそが唯一の真実/Mine Is the Only Truth]]
*[[我に隠し事は通用せぬ/No Secret Is Hidden from Me]]
*[[我は殺戮を呼びかける/I Call for Slaughter]]
*[[我は何人も寄せ付けぬ/I Am Untouchable]]
*[[我は一人にあらず/I Am Never Alone]]
*[[我を信じる者は天に昇る/My Followers Ascend]]

2024年10月1日 (火) 21:39時点における最新版



[編集] アーチエネミー


[編集] Archenemy: Nicol Bolas

[編集] ダスクモーン:戦慄の館統率者デッキ

[編集] プロモーション・カード

[編集] 参考