
提供:MTG Wiki

移動: 案内, 検索
10行: 10行:
*[[赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red]]
*[[赤の防御円/Circle of Protection: Red]]
*[[悪魔の幻視/Diabolic Vision]]
*[[アダーカー荒原/Adarkar Wastes]]
*[[アダーカー荒原/Adarkar Wastes]]
*[[アダーカーの戦乙女/Adarkar Valkyrie]]
*[[アダーカーの戦乙女/Adarkar Valkyrie]]
341行: 342行:
*[[雪竜巻/Snow Devil]]
*[[雪竜巻/Snow Devil]]
*[[ヨツンの梟匠/Jotun Owl Keeper]]
*[[ヨツンの梟匠/Jötun Owl Keeper]]
*[[ヨツンの兵卒/Jotun Grunt]]
*[[ヨツンの兵卒/Jötun Grunt]]
*[[呼び声の鳴動/Sound the Call]]
*[[呼び声の鳴動/Sound the Call]]
349行: 350行:
*[[嵐雲のカラス/Storm Crow]]
*[[嵐雲のカラス/Storm Crow]]
*[[陸軍元帥/Field Marshal]]
*[[陸軍元帥/Field Marshal]]
*[[リム=ドゥールの軍勢/Legions of Lim-Dul]]
*[[リム=ドゥールの軍勢/Legions of Lim-Dûl]]
*[[リム=ドゥールの櫃/Lim-Dul's Vault]]
*[[リム=ドゥールの櫃/Lim-Dûl's Vault]]
*[[臨機応変/Sleight of Mind]]
*[[臨機応変/Sleight of Mind]]
421行: 422行:
*[[Demonic Consultation]]
*[[Demonic Consultation]]
*[[Despotic Scepter]]
*[[Despotic Scepter]]
*[[Diabolic Vision]]
*[[Dire Wolves]]
*[[Dire Wolves]]
*[[Diseased Vermin]]
*[[Diseased Vermin]]
433行: 433行:
*[[Elemental Augury]]
*[[Elemental Augury]]
*[[Elvish Healer]]
*[[Elvish Healer]]
*[[Elvish Spirit Guide]]
*[[エルフの指導霊/Elvish Spirit Guide]]
*[[Energy Arc]]
*[[Energy Arc]]
*[[Energy Storm]]
*[[Energy Storm]]
528行: 528行:
*[[Leshrac's Sigil]]
*[[Leshrac's Sigil]]
*[[Lightning Blow]]
*[[Lightning Blow]]
*[[Lim-Dul's Cohort]]
*[[Lim-Dûl's Cohort]]
*[[Lim-Dul's Hex]]
*[[Lim-Dûl's Hex]]
*[[Lim-Dul's High Guard]]
*[[Lim-Dûl's High Guard]]
*[[Lim-Dul's Paladin]]
*[[Lim-Dûl's Paladin]]
*[[Lodestone Bauble]]
*[[Lodestone Bauble]]
*[[Lord of Tresserhorn]]
*[[Lord of Tresserhorn]]
537行: 537行:
*[[Maddening Wind]]
*[[Maddening Wind]]
*[[Malachite Talisman]]
*[[Malachite Talisman]]
*[[Marton Stromgald]]
*[[Márton Stromgald]]
563行: 563行:
*[[Noble Steeds]]
*[[Noble Steeds]]
*[[Oath of Lim-Dul]]
*[[Oath of Lim-Dûl]]
*[[Omen of Fire]]
*[[Omen of Fire]]
*[[Onyx Talisman]]
*[[Onyx Talisman]]

2025年3月3日 (月) 21:53時点における最新版




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